How lame is your party and its platform if you have to go across the aisle and vote for the person you think is easiest to beat from the opposition? To me, all that makes you is 1) a douchebag, 2) insecure in your own beliefs, 3) more interested in winning than in issues and their solutions, 4) not interested in the American ideal of a fair election, and 5) a douchebag.
This article is pretty slanted against Republicans, but the idea goes both ways. The whole point of the primary is for each party to choose who will represent them in the national election and build the platform they will run on. Instead of busying yourself voting for Hillary because you think she’s more beatable than Obama or because you’d rather see her win in November if a Democrat wins, why don’t you take the time to examine your arguments and get ready to tell the voters why we should think the same way. I’ll summarize a few of them here:
1) We are at the beginning of a recession and your current poster boy won’t admit it. The fool doesn’t even know what the price of gas is. You might want to think about how you’ll get the economy moving. And no, lowering taxes is not an option. You can’t spend billions a day on oil, wars, and defense without bringing in an equal amount in revenue.
2) America’s image both abroad and at home is sinking lower than Eliot Spitzer’s hooker. What plan do you have to improve the situation without reverting to “China and Korea are worse than us” rhetoric?
3) Our bridges, roads, water treatment plants, power plants, weather satellites, and other infrastructure are rapidly deteriorating. You might want to decide how to get it back in working order.
4) There are millions of children, minorities, and women living in substandard housing, with substandard schools, and no end to their poverty in sight. Take a minute to figure out what should be done to help them.
5) You’re all about fighting “terrorists”, yet we are pouring resources into Iraq (which study after study has shown led to an INCREASE in terrorist activity) instead of attacking the roots of terrorism- poverty, unemployment, political and religious extremism, etc. How will you defend this to the public?
Don’t think I’m letting the Democrats off either. They do the same shit and it’s just as shameful and retarded. But Democratic aisle jumping appears to be a non-issue in this election since McCain has it wrapped up tighter than a jimmy hat. So I’m not going to hammer it in. Plus, I haven’t heard any of the left-wing Laura Ingrahams spouting this non-sense out loud yet. The Dems have their own issues seeing as they can’t even agree on how to follow their own party’s delegate nomination rules in Florida and Michigan. Anyone that crosses party lines to influence the other party’s nomination is a person that doesn’t trust their party to win on its merits. And that doesn’t say much about you or your party.
Lastly, in case you were wondering, no- this is not the same as vote swapping. We’ll deal with that on The Politicircus.
1 comment:
While I completely agree with most of your blog (shocking, I know) I do have a quick question regarding the substandard housing. What would you like to see done about this problem? Personaly, I do not believe that the government should provide housing (we all know that government cannot do this... projects anyone?). I do think that the Government should vigorously enforce standards to get rid of the slum lords and increase their efforts in fair housing laws (not create any god damn new ones but actually enforcing the ones on the books).
I hear a lot of "Democrats" or the dreaded "Liberal" nametag people mention this impediment but offer no solution of their own. You, however, I know have lots of great ideas so I am just curious as to what you have come up with on this?
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