Friday, September 12, 2008

For those that didn't believe me

This is my last political post for awhile. It's becoming too disgusting to watch and too painful and frustrating to see people falling for it.

For those of you that didn't believe me and wanted to argue that the current Iraq war is nothing like Vietnam, put this in your pipe and smoke it. It was finally revealed (although nearly 2 months late) that Bush approved both raids into and bombing of Pakistan. Does anyone else remember Nixon and the secret bombings of Cambodia or am I the only one paying attention? Now we have secret military actions being taken against a sovereign nation with no public oversight. On top of that, Pakistan has repeatedly refused access to our military (probably because they see what happens when you allow it- at least they're smart enough to make the connection). While we're trying to make Russia feel bad for its behavior in Georgia, we're busy doing the same thing in Iraq AND continuing to make unilateral military decisions in Pakistan. Fuck this government and everyone attached to it. Whatever small accolades they get in the history books with be too good for them. And I hope they suffer, in this life or the next, for all of the pain they've caused others and all the deceit they've produced to justify it. It's enough to make me not have kids because I don't want them to have to see or deal with this type of ignorant, unethical, straight up retarded behavior.

I was going to put up the positions of the different candidates on various issues. But I'm done and here's why. Based on Palin's behavior I've concluded that it's become totally unnecessary. She's a liar (by claiming that she is against earmarks and pork barrel legislation because she vetoed the $233 million "bridge to nowhere"- meanwhile she still accepted that entire amount for other projects), is hastily backtracking and trying to 'clarify' her claim that the soldiers in Iraq are on "a mission from God" even though that's exactly what she meant and had plenty of time to correct the statement since she read her speech beforehand, and is now claiming that she is on-board with climate science and has challenged the media to prove that she ever said humans were not responsible even though that's exactly what she's spent the last decade claiming. So I'm done. I wouldn't vote for McCain simply because of Palin. And now I'm not voting for him because he 1) doesn't comprehend basic English and 2) is ok with double-standards. McCain claims Barack is sexist because he referred to McCAIN'S POLICIES as a "pig in lipstick" and claiming he was referring to Palin. I listened to the speech and nowhere, FUCKING NOWHERE, did Barack refer to Palin as a pig in lipstick. So McCain can suck it. That only shows he wasn't listening to the speech, is looking for a distraction from discussions of actual issues, and is about character assassination over substantial debate (although to be fair Obama has run a few attack ads, though as far as I am aware not with this type of personal attack or with such a blatant manipulation of words). On top of that, McCain said EXACTLY THE SAME THING about Hillary Clinton's policies. Therefore, if Barack is sexist, McCain is both sexist and a swindler for not mentioning his own sexism. Fuck this type of politics. It's the same shit we've been handed the last eight years, although in retrospect it's pretty much been part of the game since day one. That doesn't make it right or good. But unless the voting masses start to see through it, that's all we'll get.

Fuck politics. You can have them.

Update: Today the McCain camp publicly acknowledged and defended Palin's inquiries into banning books from the public library of Wasilla while she was mayor. While she never explicitly banned books, her explanation of the events are not consistent with the public record nor are they consistent with accounts reported by the librarians. Apparently the McCain campaign is also ok with her attempts to fire the head librarian because Palin didn't have her "full support". Do I really need to point out that this is the same type of partisan, unethical firings that Alberto Gonzalez resigned over? Are people's memories really that short? While Gonzalez was never brought to trial and Palin never actually fired the librarian (mostly due to local political pressure in Wasilla) it all adds up to something very fishy and highly questionable. I guess sometimes the word "change" doesn't really mean change. Sometimes it means doing the same thing. I should also point out that that's a clinical sign of insanity...doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. To be clear, none of these people are clinically or medically insane. But continuing to do questionable things when the American public has made it manifestly clear that's not what they want (e.g. the public pressure on Gonzalez to resign) is highly suspect as a form of change.

1 comment:

Adam said...

It wasn't reason enough to not vote for McCain because he admitted to having no idea how to use a computer?

"Mac or PC?"

"Neither. I'm an illiterate that has to rely on my wife for all of the assistance I can get."

He wants to be the most powerful man on Earth and lead an ever more sophisticated, technologically adept and integrated society, and he can't even check his fucking email?? What a joke. When the best your campaign can say is that you're "aware of the internet", there is a serious, serious problem.

But then again, he votes with Bush 91% of the time so maybe W could teach him how to "click around" on "The Google" and run up record deficits.

How can someone claim to be all about change when they haven't bothered to keep abreast of a technology that's been revolutionizing, literally, every single industry on the planet over the past 20 years?

And the Republicans still stand a really good chance of winning!! I love this fact!!

To be a shit salesman still in business after 8 years of raging dysentery is an enviable feat. God bless the Republicans! If people are too damn stupid to not run you out of town for smearing feces on their faces and calling it 'magic mud', well, what else is a democracy for??