I wanted to post this on Facebook, but people can't handle it. Someone always has to chime in with something unrelated or defend people acting like asshats. I'm not looking for some pithy rejoinder about how I should calm down. I'm well aware that the universe is not fair and that this is something out of my control. I just want to blow off steam and and then I can calm down. Normally, I guess people do this with some type of intense physical activity, but since I'm a fat fuck and because I like words, I'm gonna do it this way.
This is about to get mean, so if you're easily offended, you should just stop now. Seriously. This is gonna happen. I don't typically advocate violence or suicide, but I'm definitely not opposed to weeding out the dregs of society, particularly if they would be so kind as to take care of it themselves. Also, there is significant profanity, including a word I rarely use (but the British have it right...it's a beautiful word).
You've been warned.
To the two people that pulled out in front of me and came within inches of getting t-boned while my kid was in the car- I hope you die. Fucking die. Seriously. Fuck you, fuck your parents for not raising you better, and fuck society for not kicking your ass so you know that your behavior is unacceptable. Your mom should have swallowed. Make this world a better place and leave it. Your genes aren't worth passing on. When you make a mistake, YOU apologize. You don't blame other people and you don't flip them off. I hope you hit a pole and end up paralyzed so that you have nothing to do but sit around with your pathetic waste of a self and think about what miserable bastards you are and how you've done nothing but be a drain on the people around you. You are a burden to everyone else and we're better off without you. If there is a God, I hope he kicks you in the ass so hard you taste clouds for eternity while you're burning in hell for being a miserable excuse of a person. Kiss my ass, fuck you, and if I ever come across you again, I hope I see someone punch you in the dick and/or vagina just to prevent you from ever having children that you can teach to be fucktards like yourselves.
If you got this far and you happen to know who these people were, please forward this to them with my blessing. People that act like garbage to other people deserve to be treated like it and we usually burn or bury garbage, so let's go ahead and get on that.
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