I've been listening to a lot of hip-hop/rap lately. Black and white artists. And I've been thinking about the perception of these genres, especially among the white folks. What I don't understand is how people who profess to love music and lyrics will go out of their way to discourse on how awful rap music is without even really listening to what they're hearing.
Folks, what they're singing about is the same shit people have been singing about since time immemorial. They're singing about sex, drugs, war, death, family. This is the same crap the Rolling Stones are lauded for. It's the same themes. Rock and roll was always about sex and drugs. So why is that rap is derided for discussing those same topics? Sure the lyrics are more explicit. Now we say "fuck" and "pussy" instead of hiding behind euphemisms like "brown sugar". People love Lou Reed's Take a Walk on the Wild Side. That song was all about transvestites, oral sex, and drugs. Little Richard steam rolled America with Tutti Frutti. That song is all about butt-fucking. Someone explain to me why those songs are classics and rap is relegated to the dumpster and I'll show you someone that doesn't understand double standards.
On another note: have you ever really listened to how a rap song is constructed? Listen to how the words are used. How the same word can be used several times in a row with different meanings and nuances. These are not ignorant hicks making shit up. These are people who understand language. And though it may not sound like it sometimes, they certainly understand it better than most English speakers. It's poetic: the way the words flow, the construction of analogies and similes, the use of slant rhyme and onomatopoeia. These people are not singers or songwriters. They're poets. Much like Dylan. I'm not saying Dylan and the latest club single are on the same level. But they way they use the language and change the language is incredible.
Lastly, people want to argue that the topics are vulgar, ribald, homophobic, and misogynistic. That may be true sometimes. But again, refer to some of your rock and roll classics. These songs are not always female friendly and they're certainly vulgar if you take the time to really understand what is being sung about. The use of "hoe", "bitch", and "nigger" is just more in-your-face because the topics aren't sugar coated. The songs are often about drugs, guns, and gangs because many of these people grew up in the worst neighborhoods in this country. They write about what they know. And without their voices, much of America would still be ignorant of what is going on in their own country.
And for god's sake STOP calling rap "black music". If you want to talk about black music, let's discuss the fact that a majority of American music is "black". Rock, blues, jazz, soul, R&B. These are all art forms with deep roots in black culture. They've been co-opted, transformed, and adopted by the mainstream white community. It's just plain stupid to say rap is "bad black music" but blues or jazz are good. Listen. I mean really listen to what is being said before deciding rap is not worth understanding. And don't just listen to the words. Listen for the meaning. Hear what the songs are about, not what you think they're about.
I'm going to take a moment to play devil's advocate (I have waaaay too much time on my hands). I do not like rap. There are a handful of exceptions, but overall, it is my second least favorite genre of music (techno/electronica being the worst from my point of view).
I hate the sound. It's that simple. I don't have any problems with the content, the poetic structure of the lyrics, the mysogony or lack thereof, or the race of the singer/songwriter. Hell, one of my favorite songs of all time is NIN "Closer" with the infamous lyrics, "I wanna fuck you like an animal," and the slightly less infamous, though certainly equally scandalous (if you think that way), lyrcis, "You let me violate you. You let me penetrate you. You let me desecrate you..."
I agree that people who freak out about how explicit rap music is are dumb. I can guarantee that they're the same people who hold protests outside of NIN or Marilyn Manson concerts (or they would be if they were paying attention). My point is that the asshats complaining about rap are complaining about everything that doesn't fit into their narrow-minded, conservative world view.
I completely agree with Susie on all points.
There are some rap songs I like, but it is the music and beat of most rap songs, not the lyrics, that turn me off. Most rap songs are hard to understand and don't fulfill my need to sing along. The few that I do like is usually due to a really catchy or interesting non-rap chorus.
Why are acoustic versions of songs often better than the original? Because you can understand what they are saying and appreciate the lyrics and how the song is constructed.
And "Closer" is a completely awesome song.
Mr. Brandon. I do agree with Susie's comments regarding the music/beat style of rap/hip hop. First of all, why the two names? I have yet to figure that one out but if you happen to know the answer (as I suspect you do since you have a freakishly large brain capacity), please pass it on.
Music in general sucks because, with a few exceptions, there is no true originality left out there. We are a dumb society who keeps horrific shows like Survivor, American Idol, and Deal or No Deal; yet we take 15 years to bring back the greatest show ever created by man. Come on people, American Gladiators should be on 24/7. I really want to get on the show, not to win or get the prize money, but to get the shit kicked out of me in awesome events like "Power Ball", "Assault", and "The eleminator". Sorry, I digress.
Music today is made up of borrowed musical elements ranging from the simple 3-7 note strings or the more complex chord package. There are some new music out there that is truly original but until we stop being idiots as a society (like those who elect someone to be their Senator who is supposed to be of the people yet this person moved there only because of a vacant seat. Yes, NY, I am talking to you and all those Hillary people). Sorry, that is for your other blog. My mistake.
Anyway, Great blogs!
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