Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Remember 11/9...sorry, I'm European

So my brother didn't have any words of wisdom for America on the 6th anniversary of 9/11 since he was busy busting Steely Dan's balls (Drunkard of Oz). So here's my two cents.

To All Americans:

9/11 was a tragedy of epic proportions. Approximately 2,976 people died that day, including many of the rescue workers. Let me state right here...the next jerk-off that says "2,740 AMERICANS" died will get raped by my size 13. Whether they were American citizens or foreign born they were ALL murdered, they ALL died in the same horrific way, and they ALL deserve to be remembered.

I am saddened for the pain those families endured, and I'm particularly hurt that their pain was so public. I'm saddened for the good Muslims of this world whose religion and culture has been smeared, feared, misunderstood, and purposely stepped on because of this. I don't believe in patriotism or nationalism, but at times like this I am heartened to see people come together and display their more charitable tendencies.

I want people to stop saying "pray for the families" and "God bless America and the families". It's not because I'm mean spirited. It's mostly because I'm tired of God apparently showing favoritism to America when we've done so much directly contradicting the things we profess to believe in. What I do want is for America to stop, and really THINK (as opposed to getting on their horses and riding off to war) about what those families went through. I want people to be empathetic. I want America to reach out to those who have lost and give them the support they need. I also want America to really THINK (there's that word again) about why this happened and how we can prevent it.

If you're still reading, I guess that's good. You're not so offended you've writeen this off and gone back to cruising for internet porn. Remember...just because you're offended doesn't mean there's not a good idea or a nugget of truth buried in the words. Now the good part. I'm sorry America, but it's time to come clean: We should accept our share of the blame for this catastrophe. No, I don't want to imply that those people in any way deserved to die, or that this should have ever happened, or that I am in any way suggesting what happened was an acceptable form of action, or that there is some magical conspiracy land where our government killed all those people just to justify a war. I simply mean this: The foreign policy of the United States government, as well as much of the Western world, has interfered with the Middle East for centuries. From imperialism to forced democracy, we have repeatedly violated the region with our own values and our own religious beliefs. If I were them, I'd be sick of it too. We have had a hand in creating the monster. We cannot just shirk off that role because we don't like it. Every person, myself included, bears part of the blame. We have voted our government into power. We tacitly accept their foreign policy if we do not actively say "NO MORE".

There is a solution. Let's let other people and cultures govern other people and cultures. Stop being the police. When another government accuses the U.S. of interference or infringing on its rights, lets take it seriously instead of giving it the cold shoulder and the typical "we know what's best" attitude. When another government requests assistance, offer aid. When allies request defensive protection from aggressors, offer assistance. But in all cases, treat fairly. We fucked the Native Americans so hard they're still having trouble walking straight. We've done the same thing to countless other governments, regimes, and countries. It's time to become another nation in the world, not THE NATION. It's time to follow the same rules we expect everyone else to follow. How novel is that concept?

I'll end with this: I don't offend easily. But I'm offended by 9/11. I'm offended that there are people in the world who use terror and death and fear-mongering to get their point across. This goes for fanatics of all religions, as well as governments, politicians, and the media. I'm offended that people are profiting from this tragedy. I'm offended that "respected religious leaders" (I use that term sardonically) have blamed this tragedy on "...the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.'". Unfortunately, I'm such a believer in free speech that I will stand by their right to say it. Personally, I'd rather see them stoned to death and their bodies buried upside down in a grave at the local dump. I'm offended that good people have become minority-hating, anti-immigration jackals because of this. It really gets my blood boiling. These types of reactions just mean that the terrorists can continue their campaign because it's working.

To all the families affected by 9/11...my deepest regrets for your loss and my sympathy for the public display of your grief. I hope your pain will lead you to do things to improve the situation, not just lash out in anger and continue down the road of fear and mistrust.

1 comment:

Adam said...

The term is "Emotional Reactionism"

It's how we use 9/11 to sell wars against countries unconnected to 9/11. It's how we sell horrendous (from a legal standpoint) rectroactive vigilante legislation against people who have, according to every qualified body of law in the land, paid their debts to society.

or: "DO YOU WANT THOSE PEOPLE LIVING IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD???" are the most useless and counter-productive questions since "Do these pants make my ass look like a garbage bag full of cream corn?" (ps. I stole that image from Overcompensating).